We can all agree that when we lose, we do not, at that instant, think to ourselves that "It is going to be fine and like a phoenix I will rise"... Sounds like a movie doesn't it? However, if we could all have that particular mentality when ever we hit rock bottom, there would be an even greater chance that we would rise faster than we could have expected for ourselves.
Sometimes losing is better than winning and here's why I think so: Losing gives you the chance to rethink, redo and recalculate the winning formula. This means that you get a second chance at modifying your strategy. This also means that you will come out of that particular situation bigger than you went in. Essentially, you receive twice as much reinforcement than you did initially. Therefore, instead of seeing losing as a setback, we should see it as a privilege to a second chance.
Winning will never be a straight forward path. It is almost as a maze. In order to get to your destination, you are going to hit some boundaries and go through a number of tunnels that you would think are unnecessary, but they are not. You see, what matters on this journey to victory is how you perceive your path and the boundaries that you come across. You may walk the exact same path as someone else, with the only difference being your perception, and you might not make it out whereas the other person does. Therefore never assume that certain things that you come across are unnecessary. Everything forms part of a puzzle. It is highly illogical to ignore some pieces.
The biggest factor, in my books, that is the cause of much too many losses is the influence from the outside world. We tend to get excited by momentary things, such that we ignore our goals and focus on the things that are less important, not understanding that some things are strictly complementary. You see, you can never make it through life if you flow as easily as the wind into what you pick up from your surroundings because all you will ever do is drift, never standing firm... And that is the biggest threat to winning.
Losing has never been easy. However the way that you channel your mentality in that moment of difficulty is what makes the journey smoother.
When you lose, accept it. Do not try to fight it because, as harsh as this may sound, you lost for a reason.
Think about where you went wrong, and in most cases, we already know. We just find ourselves entangled in denial such that we convince ourselves that the fault is not on our side.
Recalculate, redo and rethink the winning formula. Open your mind to greater possibilities. Look beyond any boundaries that you may have set for yourself. There are no limits, they are all in the mind.
When you lose, accept it. Do not try to fight it because, as harsh as this may sound, you lost for a reason.
Think about where you went wrong, and in most cases, we already know. We just find ourselves entangled in denial such that we convince ourselves that the fault is not on our side.
Recalculate, redo and rethink the winning formula. Open your mind to greater possibilities. Look beyond any boundaries that you may have set for yourself. There are no limits, they are all in the mind.
Lastly, never give up. It is an insult to the prosperous you who is waiting for the current you to take form.
Profoundly true!