Tuesday 13 June 2017

Span thy wings

In today's society, we have become birds who have colourful wings but are only walking, in fact crawling in a line of conformity because we do not see the wonder we hold. And what a shame that is!

I don't know how many times we have been told to follow our dreams and to never give up until we reach our goals... but how many of us are putting any of the things we hear to action?
The reality is that most of us only go as far as thinking about it, and then convince ourselves that when the right time comes it will happen... but none of us ever have the time to make our dreams come true because we're stuck in a world where people have turned into robots - Marching and talking in a certain way that is approved by society. So, how should we expect to live our dreams while binding ourselves in chains of conformity?

You may think that this conformity I
speak of is limited to fashion trends or taking part in activities that are regarded as "cool". Well, it isn't. This conformity goes far beyond the clothes you wear or the way that you speak. What I am talking about is a killer of creativity and the bearer of suppressed dreams - Routine.

We have created a world that is accustomed to routine; We have fallen into a web of routine because we think that it is the safest way to go about our lives and so we remain trapped in our daily routines because we are afraid of failure, and we refuse to break the boundaries in which our minds are imprisoned.
The dire consequence of routine is that once you start it, it is very difficult to break away from it. Living a routine is very addictive because you begin to feel safe in those walls that you have obliviously captured yourself in and you do not feel the need to change anything about your situation. Sometimes, the walls are so high built and so highly secured such that you cannot escape when you wake up from your oblivion. But here is an upside: You are a bird with colourful wings. And birds fly!

Forget that your wings are colourful for a moment and think about the mere fact that you are winged: There is no need for you to crawl or walk. There is no need for you to be captured. There is no need for you to conform! You should be spanning those wings and soaring to greater horizons. On top of that, your wings are colourful, do not hide that wonder. The world needs it. Each and everyone of us have talents that we desperately want the world to see and there is no reason for us to procrastinate any longer than we have.

We need to realize that the longer it takes for us to break free from these high walls and these heavy chains, the harder it will be to escape.

You are a bird with colourful wings. Span thy wings so that you shall reach your destiny.

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