Monday 1 August 2016

Be your own peacemaker

For the purpose of this article I will define peace as a state of being utterly content with your surroundings and most importantly, yourself.

When these words are spoken the speaker usually implies that one should accept one's situation irrespective of one's desires. This, in essence, becomes the key to one's happiness. However I intend to challenge that particular understanding of ''being content'' and hopefully instill a new mind set which I believe makes more sense and is more effective.

I think that we can all agree that it is ridiculous to force ourselves to accept whatever situation we are in, in order to find peace or happiness. No. That is not how we should live our lives, because this means that we grow as a nation that lies to itself to ''create peace'' only because we have been told to ''be content''.

So I present a new strategy in becoming your own peacemaker and ultimately reaching the stage of content: Make the feeling of content your ultimate goal in life. By this I mean that you need to do whatever it takes to reach your preferred destination. Set your heart and mind to an equal level of maturity because the greatest enemy of achieving any success that the heart desires is a mind that settles for less. All you ever have to do is believe in yourself as it all begins with you. You need to be so sold to your idea that everybody else sees it in your charisma.

In case you think that this is too clichéd, consider how many times you have heard it and compare that to how many times you have acted upon it. You see, it doesn't always have to be complicated. Sometimes the biggest breakthroughs are a product of the simplest actions. So go ahead. Be your own pacemaker. Understand that it will not be a speedy process and as the old English saying goes: ''Good things come to those who wait".

Lastly, picture the person that you want to be one day and make that picture your priority. Be your own pacemaker, and ultimately, your own peacemaker.


  1. Yah kaeciendra from now onwards no one will look down upon me iam my own peacemaker

    1. Wonderful, set your own pace to reach the level of content.
