Friday 5 August 2016

Let your mind be bigger than your heart

It is a tricky situation. We have always been told to have big hearts: Give more. Love more. Care more. These are the things that make us noble human beings, but what happens when your heart starts to get in the way of your success?

Far too often we allow our feelings to cloud our judgement. Although we do not realise it, this holds us back from productivity. It has become easy to say ''I'll do it later'' when it really needs to be done now. We tend to take advantage of our privileges and we take life for granted.

We have all missed school or work because we ''just weren't feeling it'' that day. I will admit that I am guilty of that felony too. However, I have come to realise that the real problem lies in the few seconds when the alarm clock rudely interrupts my peace, but when I combat the gruesome urge to stay in my comfortable bed I, thereafter, practically forget that beds even exist. That is hardly the point.

The main focus here is that we are not willing to put in the effort to achieve our goals to the highest level of our capacity. Somehow we expect that it will be easy... I still have no clue where we got that idea from but it clearly is not working for any of us. So how about we start training our minds to overrule the judgement of our hearts when it is necessary?

There are three main weapons that can effortlessly defeat any negative energy that holds us back from success: Focus, hard work and (the) will (to succeed). You should take note that all of the above mentioned have nothing to do with the heart and everything to do with a disciplined mind. In essence, in order to move forward, our minds should be two steps ahead of our feelings - Let it be done in your mind before it can be done for the world.

I often tell the people around me that we need to thoroughly search our hearts to find what it is that we are hungry for. Thereafter we should by all means focus on pursuing satisfaction. Our confidence should flow so infinitely such that when there comes a minor bump on the road, the path still remains quite clear. How do we achieve such discipline?

We teach our minds to be bigger than our hearts. We focus on our dreams. We work hard even when our strength is approaching depletion. We maintain  a strong will to succeed. We love and we care, but we do not allow our hearts to trick us into thinking that we are not in the mood for work when it takes priority.

Yes, the future belongs to you but only if you stand up and grab it by the hands. So, are you willing to allow your mind to take over your life?   

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