Monday 15 August 2016

Do not be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

As previously and frequently mentioned, I am a big supporter of goals and ambitions. I genuinely believe that everybody can make their dreams come true.

With that said, you must be wondering why the world is filled with people who are unhappy with where they are in life; people who are merely trying to make it through the day. The answer is simple. They got comfortable and they gave up.

I need to clarify that I am not oblivious to the difficulties that some people have to endure and I have so much respect for people that have to make ends meet everyday trying to maintain smiles on their families' faces. However I believe that if you really want to make things happen for yourself, you need to be uncomfortable for a long time.

The road to success is a bumpy one. You will experience successive storms and only a day of sunshine. A stretch of gravel and only a meter of tar. A moment of hard work, blood, sweat and tears BUT a life time of achievement. It will never change, therefore it should occur to you that the road to success is an extremely uncomfortable one, so how is it logical that we start becoming comfortable under such extreme conditions? It isn't.

It is clear that some people have to work harder than others. The reason for this is that we all have different walks in life and we all have lessons to learn. The hardship that we endure form part of those lessons. Going through tough times should never break us, but should build us instead. However that will only happen if we allow it to.

The lessons that we learn on the road to success are structures of reinforcement for the mind. These structures allow the mind to mature fully, such that when you reach your destination you will have the ability to handle it with a sound and matured mind, because it is very easy to destroy what you have built if you become too careless.

Here's something to think about: Every time that you feel cold in the night, you get up and grab an extra blanket and every time that you feel too hot during the day, you wear something that attracts less heat. So the next time that you feel uncomfortable with your situation, get up and work harder towards reaching comfort. Do not give up, because you would not take a cold shower on a winter's morning.