Tuesday 23 August 2016

Open your mind. Achieve greater.

Knowing what you want in life and how you want to get there is a great thing. We also understand that making our dreams come true will not be a speedy process. However, we are sometimes faced with the complexity of doing everything by the book and not really getting any progress. Well… Perhaps it is time that you changed the book, especially if you are the only author.

I think it is quite obvious that if you are doing the same thing over numerous occasions and not receiving the results that you desire, you need to change your strategy. Our problem as people is that we are often so convinced that our way is the best way such that we shut our senses completely from opposing views, without even taking them into consideration. Maybe it is about time that we stop being so consumed in our own world and we start taking the time to hear what somebody else has to offer.

I believe that we were created in our differences in order to be contributing factors to our fellow man’s success; one man’s weakness may be another man’s strength. I also believe that if everything had to be done in your way alone, we would not co-exist. Therefore, we need to open our minds to new and greater possibilities and the only way to do that is to be willing to accept guidance from somebody else.
Instead of seeing life as a race to the finish line, we need to start seeing it as a team effort. One where we are not afraid to ask for help when we need it and also be able to admit when we are wrong. The desire to acquire success should not make us power hungry monsters who cater for themselves only. Instead, it should instill values in us of hard work, determination and most importantly-humanity.
We also need to be open to change. Situations will not always be the same. We must understand that in order to move forward in life, we must always be ahead of the time. We need to be able to adapt to change so that we are constantly moving forward and not stuck in the past thinking ‘‘If only.’’

Open your mind in order to achieve greater. Seek help when it is needed. Do not allow pride to come in the way of your success because sometimes, what you think is insignificant could be just what you need for your breakthrough.

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