Tuesday 30 August 2016

Keep your expectations and standards high.

Far too often we have been told to lower our expectations in order to avoid disappointment. In other words, we are told to know what we want but we should not really want it because we face the horrible possibility of not getting it... And that is nothing short of ridiculousness. So I think that it is time that we develop a new understanding of ''expectations.''

I believe that expectations play a big role in achieving our goals; If we fully understand the desired outcomes in all of our endeavours it should not be very difficult to pursue them and we will never agree to lower our expectations.
You must be fully convinced that what you want is nothing short of everything that you dream of and you need to keep those standards high. Our expectations should push us to work harder and the only real disappointment should be failing ourselves by not pushing hard enough; not that we expected too much.

You see, instead of lowering your expectations, you need to increase the understanding of your worth. When you know what you deserve you will never settle for less. If you lower your expectations each time that you do not get what you want, you will end up being less than a tenth of who you really are.

Expectations go hand in hand with who we want to become. They are an idea of our desired destination and it should not make sense to change or lower them. If life were an experiment, expectations would be a constant. Know your worth and keep your standards high. Do not lower your expectations. Change your situation instead.

1 comment:

  1. the choice of personnel, perhaps the most important choice (because people are policy "), never proceed according to plan, but there have been some successful transitions that upheld high standards
